With production sites around the world, we are aware of the specific responsibility we must fulfill as an internationally active company in the packaging sector. It is all the more important to us to proactively promote and communicate social and ecological changes in the context of our corporate responsibility. 

For that reason, we are committed to a series of principles and standards to promote public awareness of sustainable transformation in the sense of the sustainable development goals as formulated by the United Nations. We set out the basis for our ethical principles and aims with our participation in the Global Compact of the United Nations and the Boxon Group CSR statement. 

We ensure achievement of these aims through various projects, including for climate protection, sustainable production and continuous control of strict standards that we set for our production sites.  

Our Goals 2025

In line with our CSR statement, we have set ourselves 3 mains goals that we aim to achieve by 2025. They are closely connected to our products and to our business activities. To fulfill these goals, we have built a functioning system, which includes all departments by following a set of key performance indicators.  

These three main goals are: 

The first goal is based on the emissions that are caused by our business activities. We measure these emissions with the help of our independent partner Myclimate on an annual basis. In this way we can follow up on our performance and derive appropriate actions to reduce emissions at all locations.  

In addition, Boxon has developed a series of climate friendly packaging solutions, based on innovative materials from renewable sources or by compensating CO2 from operation processes. 

Last but not least, Boxon continues to develop innovative and sustainable packaging products with an optimised ecological footprint. This is an integral part of our strategy. 

Sustainability Report

boxon sustainability report 2020

The annual Boxon Group Sustainability Report summarizes all our CSR related activities of the past year, reflecting own performance figures, as well as external aspects on supplier and customer level. It also documents the present company’s structure, an overview of commercial activities and external initiatives. As the Global Compact requires a regular Communication on Progress from their members, our Sustainability Report also contains our activities about the four main areas of human rights, labour conditions, environment and anti-corruption as well as the 10 principles.  

The report follows the Global Reporting Index (GRI) standards and guidelines and is addressed to all stakeholders.

Sustainable products and materials

To offer our customer a sustainable product is important from both an environmental- and a business perspective. We base our definition on three important aspects:

  • Economy – encourage businesses to make investments that hinders long-term growth without harming the environment or society.
  • Society – encourage companies to improve by complying with human rights and environmental laws.
  • Environment – encourage companies to manage our natural resources correctly and minimize environmental impact.

General definition

The true value of the forest is fully recognized and integrated into communi­ties around the world. FSC is the leading driving force for improved forestry and market development, which turns the trend in the world’s forests towards sustainable use, conservation, and respect for all.

Boxon definition

To be defined as a sustainable product we require that:

  • Supplier should be certified according to FSC
  • Products should be marked according to FSC 100%, MIX or RECYCLED
  • Product should be marked with RECYCLABLE

General definition

Under the new plans, all plastic packaging on the EU market will be recycla­ble by 2030, the consumption of single-use plastics will be reduced and the intentional use of microplastics will be restricted.

Boxon definition

  • To be defined as a sustainable product we require that:
  • The product should be produced with a minimum of 80% recycled material
  • The product should be produced from bio-based raw material such as tall oil or sugar cane base.

General definition

The true value of the forest is fully recognized and integrated into communi­ties around the world. FSC is the leading driving force for improved forestry and market development, which turns the trend in the world’s forests towards sustainable use, conservation, and respect for all.

Boxon definition

To be defined as a sustainable product we require that:

  • The supplier should be certified according to FSC or PEFC
  • The product should be marked/stamped/treated according to IPPC / ISPM 15 / KD

General definition

The true value of the forest is fully recognized and integrated into communi­ties around the world. FSC is the leading driving force for improved forestry and market development, which turns the trend in the world’s forests towards sustainable use, conservation, and respect for all.

Under the new plans, all plastic packaging on the EU market will be re­cyclable by 2030, the consumption of single-use plastics will be reduced and the intentional use of microplastics will be restricted.

Boxon definition

To be defined as a sustainable (paper) product we require that:

  • the supplier should be certified according to FSC

To be defined as a sustainable (plastic) product we require that:

  • the product should be produced from bio-based raw material such as tall oil or sugar cane base

To be defined as a sustainable (textile) product we require that:

  • the product should be produced from recycled polyester material only.

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